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Registering Trademark in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property offers a comprehensive service for registering, transferring, and renewing trademarks to support entrepreneurship and protect intellectual property rights. This service enables individuals and companies, whether operating inside Saudi Arabia, in Gulf countries, or internationally, to register their trademarks in the Kingdom without the need to physically visit or conduct business in Saudi Arabia.

Through this service, trademarks are legally protected, providing a competitive advantage and preventing unauthorized use. It also allows for the legal transfer of trademark ownership to other parties, whether through sales or business partnerships. Additionally, trademark owners can renew their registrations before the expiration of the protection period to maintain their legal rights.

This service enhances the credibility and reputation of businesses, safeguards innovation, and facilitates commercial expansion locally and globally. It is part of the Kingdom’s efforts to improve the business environment and boost investments in line with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.

Service Features
Service Requirements
Legal protection for trademarks and prevention of unauthorized use.
Ability to register trademarks without the need for physical presence.
Global support for registering trademarks for Gulf and international companies.
Protection period of up to 10 years with the option to renew.
Facilitated and legally secure trademark ownership transfer.
Provide a detailed description of the trademark and classify the related products or services.
Attach a copy of official documents (commercial registration or ID).
Provide an official agreement for transferring ownership when applying for transfer.
Submit a renewal request before protection expires and pay the prescribed fees.
Power of attorney attested by the Saudi Embassy (for companies outside the Kingdom)
To who the service is directed
3 User
Duration of service
Issued within 7-30 days after application submission.
Frequently Asked Questions
Inquiry about the service
For more information about (Registering Trademark in Saudi Arabia), you can book your free consultation now with the experts at Ahmed Bashammakh Group for Business Services.