Issuing a scientific and technical office license
Issuing a Real Estate Investment License
Issuing a temporary investment license to implement one government/semi-government contract
Commercial License with Saudi Shareholder
Issuing a license for public land transportation by buses within cities
Issuing a license for the activity of recruitment agents and renting domestic labor services
Printing and Publishing License
Issuing a Professional License with Saudi Shareholder
Issuing Regional Headquarters (RHQ) License
.Re-Allocation of Shares or Exit/ Entry of Shareholders or Merge Companies
.Transfer of Ownership to Inheritors of Individual Entities into a Company
Opening of Branches or Marketing Centers
Closure of Branches or Marketing Centers
Renewal of the Investment License
100%Issuing A foreign Commercial Investment License
Issuing other licenses in land transport
Issuing a temporary certificate for submitting to bids for government projects